Another Nepali comic drama video has been transferred on YouTube and it is exceptionally clever. The title of the short video is 'Viral video' and it has been transferred on authority YouTube channel of Khim Garbuja. The video is just 2 minutes in length however it is $er!ously h!larious.
In the short satire video, a man is totally smashed and is resting outside with all his liquor bottles. He is absolutely unconsc!ous and has no clue what is occurring around him. He additionally does not have any thought that there is smoke leaving his private part. Smoke is leaving his under wear and he then again is in a profound rest.
Later a lady leaves the house and sees him. She looks closer and sees the smoke leaving his under wear. She gets $h)cked and gazes for some time yet later she begins to look for water. She looks all over the place however does not discover water along these lines, she remains above him and pees on his jeans.
In any case, later the video demonstrates that it was an arrangement of a couple. One man is smoking hukka from his inside and blowing smoke into the other man's clothing.
In the short satire video, a man is totally smashed and is resting outside with all his liquor bottles. He is absolutely unconsc!ous and has no clue what is occurring around him. He additionally does not have any thought that there is smoke leaving his private part. Smoke is leaving his under wear and he then again is in a profound rest.
Later a lady leaves the house and sees him. She looks closer and sees the smoke leaving his under wear. She gets $h)cked and gazes for some time yet later she begins to look for water. She looks all over the place however does not discover water along these lines, she remains above him and pees on his jeans.
In any case, later the video demonstrates that it was an arrangement of a couple. One man is smoking hukka from his inside and blowing smoke into the other man's clothing.
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